My new family, me Mommy and Daddy and our temporary home in the back ground. Meet my new friend, the Storke who let everyone know I was new to this world.
Look how big this bear that Grandma gave me, it was at home waiting for me when I got there.
Grandma sure did like to hold me and sing to me, it was nice. I miss her already and hope to see her again soon.
Wow, you get to see a picture of Grandma, she took most of the pictures so it is a rare look. I liked her hair, it was short and won't be long before my hair is just as long.
My first dinner date out, I didn't have the big steak that Dad had but I did get to eat my good milk.
I had lots of stuffed animals waiting for me in my new room but really can't play with them yet, but they are good to pose next to.
Sleep, Sleep that is all I do, but I really do look cute when I do it, don't I?
Dad was so tired but I was so awake, I don't know what his problem was but he was trying to get some sleep any time that he could.
Pop and Dad looking for the poopy diaper, I hope they get it soon
Look at me, I am a step ahead of the game, I hold my own bottles
Dad says this is the same way I will look like when I am 4 and jump into that GoCart. Dad says he is already working on sponsors for my NASCAR start.
Smiles at Grandma, wait that is gas but it sure made her happy.
Eat burp, Eat burp, Eat Burp when will they just let me Eat, Eat.
Grandma and me, if she isn't taking a picture Pop is doing her job.
My first bath and I was hungry so they didn't work fast enough.
In my swing and out, my hands are nice pillows aren't they.
Sleeping, Sleeping I sure do like to sleep.
Pop enjoys he time with me too!
Is that a smile or a smirk?
Smile? Use your imagination!
OK, OK, I guess you won't go away until I give you a smile!! There it is, now let me sleep.
Like the shirt, if Dad says no, ask Grandpa!!
Swing, Swing, I love this thing.
Bear bottom and a towel on my head, I think Grandma has it backwards.